Torc Triath


Torc Triath


Blade – 31 1/2″

Hilt – 6″

AOL – 37 1/2″

Weight – 2.6 lbs / 1.2 Kilo

The embellishments on this sword are inspired by La Tene period ornamentation from Britain and Ireland. The overall design is inspired by the Kirkburn sword from yorkshire and other continental La Tene period Celtic swords.

Torc Triath has a four bar composite pattern welded blade, consisting of a wrap around edge billet of thirteen layers and a three bar core. The core pattern is constructed by two thirteen layer interrupted twist billets running on either side of a straight thirteen layer center billet. This sword is constructed from 1075/8670M, bronze, leather, goat horn, and figured yellow birch heart wood.

Below is a step by step photo documentation of the entire process of making this sword. I put this together for a slideshow I presented at a conference at Bush Fire Forge in London UK in 2008.

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Jake Powning

Jake is a professional swordsmith, artist, and writer who explores the strange place where traditional culture and the land meet.

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