The Gate of Apsu

A dagger is like a distillation of a sword, a sword-seed, and therefore perfect for a wizard.


Perhaps the world is not as it seems. The forces that hold things together may be uncertain, not as we imagine them. The fourth dimension, ancient time, might be filled with secrets— secrets from long before humans scuttled and promulgated across the land. The light of dead stars watches down across the eons, and only the crystal sharp mind of the wizard, opened to portals of time and multiverse, can begin to fathom its meaning.


This dagger is the second piece in a slowly unfolding project called “The Archeology of Dreams — The Unspoken Ones”. The first was the Seax “Dwine”.

Constructed from Hynninen wootz steel, horn, wood, leather, fur, bronze and silver, this dagger implies its wielder, the wizened searcher for arcane truth.

Length – 43.4cm/17 1/8″

Width – 5.6cm/2 1/4″


To follow the process of making this dagger, have a look here —

Forging the Blade

Making the Scabbard

Carving the Hilt

and here is a blog post about carving the wizard’s staff that accompanies the dagger in some of the photos —

A Gramary of Art



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Jake Powning

Jake is a professional swordsmith, artist, and writer who explores the strange place where traditional culture and the land meet.


  1. Really beautiful and precise work. You also know how to present your work, photos gives a big impression. Skull gives it a little sinister appearance and blade texture is awesome. You state dimensions, but I am also curious about weight.

    Greetings from middle Europe.

  2. Brilliant work. I Imagine a wizard, bent low by the elements up a snow covered mountain, a wolf calls to his friends. And the wizard draws his blade.

    Are any your pieces available for sale?

  3. Glorious work! Do you accept commissions?

  4. what a beautiful dagger! i want it… :p very nice work.

  5. If you charge what your blades are worth, I’d have to win the lottery a few times for this piece… ‘Tis gorgeous, VERY well done!

  6. Every time I see pictures of your work I am stunned. The majesty of each piece just jumps off my computer’s screen. I can’t imagine what they must be like to actually hold. Can’t wait to see what you do next. Hope you have a beautiful day.

  7. Beautiful piece!! Keep em coming man!

  8. Spell binding. I dig how you laid it over the Worm Orobouros in some of the photos.

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