Forging Vardhllokur

I filmed this with help from my dad (Peter Powning) and a tripod back in 2009. It demonstrates some of the process of making the Viking sword Vardhllokur. It was edited by the good people at Galatia Films for the special features of the movie “Reclaiming The Blade”.

If you’re interested in seeing the original movie of “Reclaiming the Blade” from 2009, or in supporting the campaign to make a second movie, check out their website here — Sons of Fire.

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Jake Powning

Jake is a professional swordsmith, artist, and writer who explores the strange place where traditional culture and the land meet.


  1. Bertil Sällström

    This Vardhllokur… do you make more than one of each specimen? Excellent work from all the pictures I see! Do you sell them? Ship to Sweden? If so, what would a sword like Vardhllokur including scabbard cost? Bertil

    • Thanks Bertil! This sword is one of a kind, and sold soon after I made it back in 2009. I don’t currently have any swords for sale, but I’m working on a number of cool projects.

  2. This is probably one of the top 3 favourite pages / websites on the entire net man.


  3. It’s not very often I see something which really makes me catch my breath in awe and admiration, but the things you make and the patience it must take are truly inspirational.

  4. Pingback: VARDHLLOKUR | Tome and Tomb

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